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Event name: Fox Den Learn: Shibari Shapes & Structures                   
Event Date: 01/06/24 (DD/MM/YY)
Start Time: 2pm                                                          
End Time: 5pm                                                          
Event Theme:
Educational workshop open to all. 
The Fox Den cordially invites you to the next workshop in our Fox Den Learn series: Shibari Shapes & Structures on Saturday 1 June 2024.

The workshop will be led by Anna Noctuelle (, who is a highly experienced and versatile Shibari practitioner with over 18 years of experience. Her journey with Shibari began as a personal discovery and has since evolved into a multifaceted practice encompassing teaching, modelling and performing. Her dedication to sharing her passion for Shibari has taken her to various rope communities across Europe teaching workshops and captivating audiences with performances since 2016. Anna’s artistic journey has been deeply influenced by her diverse background. With a foundation in classical dance and breath work practice, she brings grace, elegance, and a keen sense of body awareness to her Shibari practice. Her exploration of Buddhism, tantra and meditation, as well as her commitment to yoga, have shaped her aesthetic and philosophical approach to Shibari, lending it a spiritual depth and tranquility. Being a linguist in her other life she’s constantly exploring the communicative aspects of Shibari. Anna Noctuelle’s blend of skills, knowledge, and experience make her an exceptional practitioner and educator of Shibari who understands what it means create safe and inclusive learning environments which reward inquiry, curiosity, courage, experimentation and playfulness.

Shapes & Structures is a workshop that blends technical precision with emotional exploration for an unforgettable journey through the art of Japanese rope bondage. Discover the magic of Shibari as we dive deep into the significance of different shapes and their emotional resonance. You'll learn the art of applying safe and structurally sound ties, mastering rope handling techniques, and perfecting fundamental knots. We'll also show some bedroom ties designed to add a playful spark to your intimate encounters. Explore new dimensions of pleasure and intimacy as you weave together passion and creativity in the safety of your own space. This workshop is suitable for all levels, no prior knowledge needed.

By the workshop's end, you'll emerge with a deeper understanding of Shibari's technical intricacies and a newfound confidence to engage in rope play. So, come join us as we shape emotions, build connections, and unlock the transformative power of Shibari's Shapes & Structures.

The workshop is open to max 30 people (non-members welcome). Spaces are open to both duos and singles. Single attendees have the chance to pair up with a partner on the day and are also encouraged to switch. You are invited to bring your own Shibari rope if you have some but we will provide ropes to borrow for the duration of the workshop.

After the workshop we will head to a local bar for an early evening drink.

Location, timings and cost:

MoreYoga, 40 Queen St, London EC4R 1DD.
Arrivals: 1.45pm for a 2pm start.
Close: 5pm. Followed by a drink in a local pub.

Cost: £45 + VAT per person which includes light refreshments.

Looking forward to meeting you all.

Love Foxy 🦊
Dress Code:
Cost of Entry: £45 + VAT                                                   
MoreYoga, Cannon Street 
Map: A map.......      