London Fetish Scene
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This is a confirmed listing. However events do occcasionally change venue, time, or date at short notice. It is always worthwhile checking any webslites linked to the event to get the latest information available. If you do find that our information is wrong then please do leave feedback as it will alert us to correct the listing and warn other users of a potentially wasted journy.

Event name: Fox Den Member Mixer                                         
Event Date: 05/06/24 (DD/MM/YY)
Start Time: 7pm                                                          
End Time: 10.30pm                                                      
Event Theme:
Members only social. Apply for free membership: 
The Fox Den cordially invites you to the next members-only social mixer: Fox Den Member Mixer. 😍

Looking for your own Vixen or Cub, foxy play partners, or just like-minded friends to explore the scene with? Then come join Foxy and Vixens for a packed evening of connections, icebreakers and fun. 🥂🎵

Spaces are limited and are open to any member looking to connect with others in the community.

The price for the evening is £20 + VAT per person which includes facilitated games and free time to mingle. We have a gorgeous venue for our Mixers - the Looking Glass Cocktail Club in Shoreditch. We will have our own dedicated room and bar and Looking Glass has an excellent menu of craft beers, cocktails and non-alcoholic options.🍸

Doors open at 7pm.
Carriages at 10.30pm.
Dress code: cocktail attire / dress to impress. High heels welcome in the space.

Looking forward to mixing with you in the Den.

Love Foxy 🦊

*Please note that this is a facilitated members-only social event. There are no play spaces at this venue and play is not permitted.*

Feedback for our Mixer events:

“I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say that I really enjoyed the evening last Tuesday. Personally I always find icebreakers a bit tricky, but people settled into them quickly, and it certainly got people mixing and talking, so it did what it needed to do! Really appreciate all you are doing for the community - you are doing an amazing job.”

“Hi Sinead. Just wanted to say firstly how much I enjoyed the Mixer event. You are a genuinely a really excellent host. Just the right balance of relaxing vibes, fun + friendly professionalism.”

“Just wanted to say thank you very much, really enjoyed myself last night and will definitely come again to another mixer. I dreaded the games, but they made it actually very fun!”

“Just wanted to follow-up to say thank you. I really enjoyed the event. The questions were thought provoking and I enjoyed the conversations that followed. I met some really lovely and friendly people.”

“Thanks so much for organising this, it was a lot of fun!”

“Just wanted to say well done for hosting another fantastic event. I had a great time and felt there was a good balance between games/icebreakers and opportunities to interact with people. Hope to join another event in the near future and see you soon.”
Dress Code:
Dress to impress. 
Cost of Entry: £20 + VAT                                                 
Looking Glass Cocktail Club 
Map: A map.......            